Tannica vs Tannico : Which one is wine ?

The Italian words “tannica” and “tannico” are both related to tannins, but they have different meanings.

  • Tannica is an adjective that means “tannic.” It is used to describe a wine that is high in tannins.

Tannica vs Tannico

Wine glass with tannic red wine

  • Tannico is a noun that means “tannin.” It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is tannic.


In the context of wine, “tannica” is the more common term. It is used to describe a wine that has a dry, puckery sensation on the palate and a slightly astringent taste on the tongue. These sensations are caused by the tannins in the wine.

“Tannico” is less commonly used in the context of wine. It is sometimes used to describe a wine that is particularly high in tannins. However, it can also be used to describe anything that is tannic, such as tea, coffee, or chocolate.


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Here are some examples of how the two words can be used:

  • “Questo vino è molto tannico.” (This wine is very tannic.)
  • “Le foglie di quercia sono una fonte di tannini.” (Oak leaves are a source of tannins.)

In general, “tannica” is the more specific term that is used to describe a wine that is high in tannins. “Tannico” is a more general term that can be used to describe anything that is tannic.


* A medicinal preparation made from the bark of the oak tree, typically used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.

* The name of a genus of trees in the family Fagaceae, which includes the oak tree.

* A type of leather made from the bark of the oak tree.



* Pertaining to or resembling tannin, a type of polyphenolic compound found in plants.

* A chemical compound, C14H10O9, with a molecular weight of 322.2, that is used in the preparation of leather and ink.

* A type of wine that is high in tannins, typically produced from grapes that have been grown in warm climates.



* Tannica is a chemical compound that is used in the preparation of leather and ink. Tannico is also a type of wine that is high in tannins, typically produced from grapes that have been grown in warm climates.

* Tannica is a genus of trees in the family Fagaceae, which includes the oak tree. Tannica is also a medicinal preparation made from the bark of the oak tree, typically used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.



* “The doctor prescribed tannica for the patient’s diarrhea.”

* “The winemaker used tannica to produce a red wine with a rich, full flavor.”

* “The leatherworker used tannica to prepare the hide for making shoes.”

* “The oak tree is a member of the genus Tannica.”

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